Coming into a new industry cold can prove a quite the quandary. To make matters more vexing, it is easy and not unheard of to be taken advantage of at this phase, as learning can cost you valuable time and money. However, here at OFI we can say confidently without cynicism that “we did it so that you do not have to.” It took us the better part of a decade to get to where we are now, and the success was not without its hardship. As a result of our relentless perseverance, and countless trials and errors, we slowly built a team of the most reliable and steadfast individuals. We have trusted partners from China to Mexico to every corner of the U.S.; people you can count on to be honest as well as people who can get you the best value for any material you may need. For us, international business is all about who you know and who you know you can trust. We will gladly share our resources with an eligible party.